Organization Overview
This video product is one that we’ve created in partnership with non-profit clients as a way to give an overview of their organization. These videos are often a bit longer, but sometimes a short version is created to use on social media alongside a longer version for the website. Costs can be saved when we shoot this more extensive overview video alongside gathering footage for multiple other short videos to use throughout the year.
Emmaus House
Emmaus House is community development organization in the Peoplestown neighborhood of Atlanta. This video shows the large scope of their work by making you feel as if you were there for a visit, meeting the community and the staff at Emmaus House.
Holy Spirit Preparatory School
Holy Spirit commissioned this overview video to be used as a recruiting tool for potential students and families. They used this alongside multiple Impact Stories that told the story of the school from a student’s point of view.
The Boyce L. Ansley School
The Boyce L. Ansley School is a tuition-free, private school for children of families who have experienced homelessness. We worked closely with the staff to identify key components of the school that would help viewers see the uniqueness of their program.