Impact Stories
Telling stories that put change into words
Impact Stories are a video product we’ve crafted in partnership with our non-profit clients. These videos show, not just tell, about the change that is being created creating in the world. An Impact Story typically follows a single individual through interviews and other footage. It provides a glimpse of their lives, showing how they’ve been impacted by our client’s work.
Lucien’s video was part of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s annual "Offering for Global Missions" giving campaign. In this video you'll meet Lucien who is a church leader in Haiti and hear him talk about the importance of building clinics in rural areas. Once in Haiti, the film crew traveled more than two hours to reach Lucien’s village. In order to convey this distance and show the rural area, drone footage of the landscape was used throughout the project. For this campaign, Sema Films produced a theme overview video, a location overview video, and three Impact Stories for each of its two focus locations.
This Impact Story was commissioned by Hopeful Horizons, a children's advocacy, domestic violence and rape crisis center. Katie's story was created along with three other Impact Stories and an Overview Video as part of a campaign to help community agencies and individuals learn about the work of Hopeful Horizons. The organization wanted individuals who had experienced domestic violence to see Katie's story and find courage to come forward. An additional primary audience was partner organizations and donors who might join the work of Hopeful Horizons after seeing this video. While Katie was open to her image and name being shared, we have created Impact Stories where the identity of the individual was hidden in similar videos for other organizations.
Solee is a student at Holy Spirit Prep, a Catholic college prep school in Atlanta. This video was created by Holy Spirit along with two other Impact Stories and an Overview Video to recruit new students to the school. This video is unique because it was narrated by Solee, rather than being driven by an interview with her. To create this video, the film team first talked to Solee about her experience at Holy Spirit Prep, then they spent the day seeing the school through her eyes and capturing b-roll. The team was then able to create a narration script, which Solee read as a voiceover for the final Impact Story.
Northside Drive Baptist Church, located in the metro Atlanta area, wanted to create videos that would help potential members learn about their church before or after visiting. To accomplish this, they created a series of three Impact Stories that looked at three members of the church. Caitlyn is a young seminary graduate who has been invited into leadership at Northside Drive. The church used these videos on social media and they are in the process of creating additional Impact Stories to roll out later this year.
Wilfried is a kid in Togo, West Africa who got to know Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel working in the region. In this Impact Story, we learn about Wilfried’s journey to become a leader in a community development project in Togo. This video was commissioned as part of CBF’s annual “Offering for Global Missions” campaign, along with multiple Overview Videos and two other Impact Stories about individuals in Togo. The interviews were completed in French with transcription/translation and subtitles for the final video.
Before coming to Rainbow Village, Shantiece and her family were experiencing homelessness. In this story, we learn how Rainbow Village – an organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of homeless, poverty and domestic violence – was able to put her in an apartment and help her get back on her feet. This Impact Story was created along with two others and a long and short Overview Video to be used at a fundraising gala for the organization. After the event, the videos were used on social media to help people connect with Rainbow Village.